My Why

After struggling with my own health and wellness for many years I made great personal progress when I started incorporating natural therapies along side other foundational health practices.

They complemented and boosted the effects of these other modalities by releasing blockages in my emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. This taught me a valuable lesson about the holistic nature of health.

Massage, yoga, meditation, energy balancing and somatic emotional release have become integral and regular additions to my self care practices. They had such a positive effect in my life that I wanted to share it with others. I get so much pleasure and fulfilment from helping others find freedom in their health.

When in Melbourne I work from Prana House in Thornbury.

Primarily, you can find me in New South Wales, Australia in the Blue Mountains, as well as Cocoon Bondi at Bondi Beach. Remote services are available worldwide.



Are you ready to be met and held as you explore your sacred sexual energy?

Chat with me

If you have any questions about myself, my services, or feel an urge to get in touch, head to my contact page and send me a message. Trust: this means something.